12 March 2005

j lo and peta

Jennifer Lopez is the latest celebrity target of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Seems Jenny from the block has been sporting skins from head to toe without much regret, and PETA wants people to say "hell no to J Lo."

Not long ago I would have dismissed PETA members as radical vegetarians with grudges to bear brought on by protein deficient diets. But lately I've really changed my opinion, and now find myself cheering-on PETAs attention-grabbing tactics (not to mention Pamela Anderson is a spokesperson, which I LOVE).

I don't have a problem with eating meat. We've been killing animals in the name of sustenance for some time now and I see no reason to stop. I do have a problem with how we currently treat such animals. It is sick and shameful the torture we inflict on God's creatures in order to stuff our bodies with hamburgers and chicken nuggets. When man actually had to hunt it was out of necessity, and beasts roamed. People were thankful. Today, chickens and cattle are a commodity, forced to endure conditions most people would be horrified to witness. They are pumped full of drugs to satisfy our wasteful cravings and processed with little regard for the public's health.

Fast Food Nation. Check out the PETA site (I spent a few hours watching the videos and got over my denial that those nicely wrapped cellophane packages came from a happy place).

Here's my deal. Support local, organic free-range farming methods, even if you have to pay more. When I eat meat, I at least want to know the animal got to see the light of day and enjoyed a few moments of tranquility before giving up their life to feed me. That's my ethical stand. Don't even get me started on the potential health threats posed to humans from the processing and hormone enhancement practices used by the meat industry.

As far as fur goes, if it's vintage it's OK. Hell, the animal was already skinned to make a coat, might as well show it some respect and enjoy it. Russians and Eskimos, I get it. J Lo wearing fur in LA, that's fucked.

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