28 May 2005

episcopal church

As an Episcopalian, I find it remarkable that more liberal-minded people have not come to realize the potential influence the Episcopal church's stand on homosexuality could have in the battle to counter the conservative Evangelical movement in this country. If you believe in our rights as Americans to pursue happiness without discrimination, and especially if you are gay, please take a moment to consider how a centuries-old established institution has taken a stand on behalf of your beliefs--and even risked its very existence in order to extend inclusion to all of God's children, regardless of sexual orientation. The Episcopal church is at the forefront of the homosexuality debate, boldly allowing gays to worship without judgement, assume positions of leadership in the church and bond in holy matrimony. As a member of the Anglican communion the Episcopal church has the credentials to send a powerful message to the Christian community. And yet it stands alone, with little support from liberals and the gay community, on an issue that threatens to weaken constitutional freedoms for us all.

I am not asking you to join my church or change your beliefs, but rather, to support the Episcopal church as you would any organization representing values you believe strongly in. People of all faiths give generously to Christian relief organizations in the name of improving the human condition--tsunami aid, hunger relief, clean water programs and the like, so why not do the same in the name of equal rights? The ACLU, Human Rights Campaign and other organizations do great work towards furthering the cause, but they will forever be met with derision by conservative Christians and branded as secular non-believers. The Episcopal church is uniquely qualified to stand up for these same values, with the advantage of being an established member of the Christian community encouraging progressive thought while maintaining traditional worship practices.

Many gays spend years struggling to understand why they are not allowed to participate in society like everybody else. They hide their sexuality in high school. Are not allowed to fight for their country. Told that they are not welcome in many of God's houses. Their lifestyles legislated against by their own government, questioned by courts which are supposed to uphold the constitution. And now one of America's most prominent institutions has said "we accept you, join us and rejoice," taking an unpopular stand that is being severely challenged by bigots the world over.

Help them make the world a kinder place in which to live.

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